Jupiter Hotel Group awarded the Green Key 2024 Award

The Jupiter Hotel Group is proud to announce that once again it has been awarded the international "Green Key" distinction for all its hotel units, reaffirming its unwavering commitment to sustainable tourism in Portugal.

The "Green Key" is a prestigious internationally recognised award created by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and coordinated in Portugal by the Associação Bandeira Azul na Europa (ABAE). This award aims to promote responsible environmental practices and encourage the adoption of initiatives that contribute to more sustainable tourism.

The main objectives of the "Green Key" programme include:

  • Raise awareness
  • Reduce
  • Promote
  • Facilitate
  • Contribute

The Jupiter Hotel Group has been continuously investing in sustainable improvements at all its properties, demonstrating a constant commitment to environmental preservation and the mitigation of negative impacts on the planet. The Group's dedication to a greener future is reflected in every detail of its operations, from reducing waste to optimising energy and water consumption.

With this distinction, Jupiter Hotel Group not only raises the standard of excellence in sustainable hospitality, but also inspires others to follow a similar path, contributing to a brighter, greener future for all.

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